WOS APAC: Small Island Developing States —new challenges, new opportunities & harnessing the power of seaweed

It's the fifth and final day of Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific. Join us for today's great sessions. I will be moderating two plenary panel discussions today, on: 1) Small Island Developing States (SIDS)—new challenges, new opportunities, and 2) Harnessing the power of seaweed.

WOS APAC: Building momentum for offshore wind in Asia & The Economist’s debrief on COP26 and the ocean

It's Day Four of Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific. Join us for today's fantastic sessions. I will be moderating two sessions today: 1) a panel discussion in the Energy track on building momentum for offshore wind in Asia-Pacific, and 2) The Economist’s debrief on COP26 and the ocean.

WOS APAC: How to implement and manage marine protected areas

It's Day Two of Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific. Join us for today's exciting sessions. I will be moderating a plenary panel discussion on how to implement and manage marine protected areas.

WOS APAC 2021: Developing the business case to attract early investors

It's Day One of Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific. Join us today for some fantastic sessions. I will be moderating a panel discussion in the Finance track on "developing the business case to attract early investors".

Moderating at World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific

I am looking forward to moderating six sessions at Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific next week (December 6th–10th). The theme of the summit is "Investing in a blue economy".

World Fisheries Day

Every November, World Fisheries Day is held to reflect on the importance of sustainable stocks of fisheries. To mark this occasion the World Ocean Initiative explores the precarious state of Arctic fisheries, reflects on fisheries-related insights from the World Ocean Summit and shines a light on the underrepresentation of women in blue foods.

Webinar: Enhancing stewardship for the safe, sustainable use of the ocean

I moderated a World Ocean Initiative Insight Hour on "Enhancing stewardship for the safe, sustainable use of the ocean", sponsored by the Lloyd's Register Foundation.

The ocean must be part of global climate conversations

COP26 may not have delivered a clear pathway towards keeping “1.5 alive,” but nature was at the forefront of high-level climate negotiations like never before. Read more for an overview of recent ocean-climate coverage on the World Ocean Initiative.

Speaking at the World Biodiversity Summit, a COP26 side event

I spoke at the World Biodiversity Summit, a COP26 side event, in Glasgow. It is crucial not to neglect the role of biodiversity in the global climate conversations. Organised by the World Climate Foundation, the event featured a session on "Life Below Water - Harnessing The Blue Economy through Investment & Innovation".

Anniversary: 10 years at The Economist Group

10 years ago today I started at The Economist Group. My journey has taken me from Europe Editor at the height of the euro zone debt crisis to covering major global health challenges to leading projects on some of the most exciting sustainability issues of our time.

Financing a sustainable ocean economy

Dive into the World Ocean Initiative's latest coverage to learn about a range of blue finance initiatives that can help protect seascapes and marine habitats while setting the foundation for a thriving future ocean economy.

Plastic recycling technologies assessment

A wave of advanced recycling innovations has the potential to transform recycling practices, offering some important advantages over established mechanical technologies. I am the project director of a new assessment that has just been published—produced by Economist Impact and supported by Dow—that examines the distinguishing characteristics of a range of plastic recycling technologies.

Addressing the Ocean Exchange Decarbonisation Summit

As I wasn’t able to participate in person, I addressed the Ocean Exchange Decarbonisation Summit in October 2021 via video presentation. I focused on the challenges and solutions for decarbonising maritime transport, including the IMO decarbonisation targets, short-term and long-term solutions, and the vital finance question.

Webinar: Decarbonising maritime transport

On October 13th I moderated a World Ocean Summit Insight Hour that focused on the role of ship and cargo owners in adopting alternative fuels and alternative propulsion to reduce emissions. Speakers discussed the economics of alternative fuels, retrofitting ships and upgrading bunkering infrastructure, and how to achieve scale.

World Maritime Day: How the shipping sector is decarbonising

World Maritime Day is observed each September to focus attention on the importance of maritime activities. Shipping transports about 90% of international trade and produces 2-3% of global CO2 emissions. These could rise by 250% by 2050. Many ship owners are committed to decarbonisation, with some companies already planning to reach net zero by 2050.

European Forum Alpbach: Greening the Blue Economy

Between August 27th 2021 and September 3rd 2021 I took part in the Climate Opportunity Leaders Retreat at European Forum Alpbach. As part of my participation, I moderated an important session on "Greening the Blue Economy – Linking Ocean Health and Wealth".

World Water Week: Scaling up and community building

It's World Water Week this week, organised by SIWI - Stockholm International Water Institute. The Economist Group's World Ocean Initiative is an official outreach partner of the week. I am participating in today's Accelerator on Communication and Behaviour Change, aimed at highlighting levers that can speed up and intensify our impact.