Speaking at Economist Impact’s 12th annual World Ocean Summit & Expo in Tokyo

I am looking forward to speaking at Economist Impact's 12th annual World Ocean Summit & Expo in Tokyo, Japan, on 12th-13th March. Representing the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative at UNEP FI, I will join panels on the zero-pollution ocean, the Global Plastics Treaty and global standards for blue data, technology and capacity building.

Bali Ocean Days: Aligning investment, underwriting and lending activities with building a sustainable blue economy

I spoke about "Aligning investment, underwriting and lending activities with building a sustainable blue economy" at Bali Ocean Days. My contribution was part of a session on "Impact Finance for a Sustainable Blue Economy". Other sessions focused on marine conservation, technology, seafood, pollution management, and blue carbon. Here I summarise my takeaways from the event.

Speaking about “Impact Finance for a Sustainable Blue Economy” at Bali Ocean Days

I'm looking forward to speaking during the "Impact Finance for a Sustainable Blue Economy" session at Bali Ocean Days! Financial institutions are critical in rebuilding ocean prosperity, restoring biodiversity and regenerating ocean health. I will look at recent development and opportunities in aligning investment, underwriting and lending activities with building a sustainable blue economy.

Joining the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

I'm delighted to join the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) as a Sustainable Blue Economy consultant! Following my time at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), where I focused on Blue Industry, I'm looking forward to focusing on accelerating Blue Finance through UNEP FIs Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Initiative (SBE FI).

Reminiscing about the successes of 2024

What a year it's been! Some of my highlights in 2024 included joining the Board of the Marine Conservation Society, joining the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as Senior Strategic Expert in Blue Economy, having my TEDx talk published, and speaking at several major ocean and climate events such as London Climate Action Week.

How to invest better in the blue economy

I moderated a great session on “How to invest better in the blue economy” at Economist Impact's recent World Ocean Summit in Lisbon. The session focused on how investors can identify companies that combine strong growth potential with a truly sustainable business model.

Moderating two panels on the blue economy for World Ocean Day

This week is World Ocean Day! I am looking forward to moderating two panels on "Financing the Growth of the Blue Economy", organised by Simmons & Simmons and the Marine Conservation Society.

Moderating at Island Finance Forum

This week I will be joining 6,000+ islanders from around the world at the Island Finance Forum organised by Island Innovation. Following an opening keynote by His Excellency Surangel Whipps Jr, President, Republic of Palau, I will moderate a session on "Building a Blue Future: Harnessing the Hope of the Ocean".

WOS 2022: Using data to drive investment

It’s Day 3 of Economist Impact’s World Ocean Summit! I moderated a plenary panel discussion on using data to drive investment. I was joined by Dag Sletmo, senior vice-president, DNB; Suzanne Johnson, senior advisor ocean, United Nations Global Compact and head of sustainability, Lloyd’s Register Foundation; and Grant Cavanaugh, chief investment officer, Scoot Science.

World Ocean Summit 2022 begins this week

I will be moderating four sessions and three roundtables at Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Virtual Week starting tomorrow, March 1st, on great topics such as ocean regeneration, the outlook for seaweed, data for ocean investment, and the prospects for a high seas treaty. The World Ocean Initiative will publish regular updates during the week.

Big ocean moments: what to expect in 2022

Next week, from March 1st-4th the 9th annual World Ocean Summit Virtual Week will gather more than 150 leading expert speakers, including John Kerry, US special presidential envoy for climate, and 5,000 attendees to discuss what needs to be done to achieve 2030 targets for the ocean. 

Podcast: Investing for Ocean Impact

Engaging the finance sector in Nature-based Solutions is critical. At the World Ocean Summit we bring together people on these cross-cutting issues to help generate positive impact for people and planet. I recently joined IUCN’s Investing For Ocean Impact podcast to discuss the role of the finance sector in protecting our ocean.

WOS APAC 2021: Developing the business case to attract early investors

It's Day One of Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific. Join us today for some fantastic sessions. I will be moderating a panel discussion in the Finance track on "developing the business case to attract early investors".

Moderating at World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific

I am looking forward to moderating six sessions at Economist Impact's World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific next week (December 6th–10th). The theme of the summit is "Investing in a blue economy".

Financing a sustainable ocean economy

Dive into the World Ocean Initiative's latest coverage to learn about a range of blue finance initiatives that can help protect seascapes and marine habitats while setting the foundation for a thriving future ocean economy.

World Ocean Summit 2021: Accelerating a sustainable ocean economy

Our World Ocean Summit Virtual Week concluded successfully last week. We welcomed more than 8,500 registered participants and more than 6,000 active users on our virtual platform during the week. Here I summarise some key conclusions and observations, from the importance of ocean literacy and nature-based solutions to the need for collaboration and investable innovations.

Founders Forum Climate Summit: A Sustainable Ocean Economy

On September 8th I will be moderating a session on “A Sustainable Ocean Economy” at the Founders Forum Climate Summit during London Tech Week. I will be joined by a great panel of ocean investment experts.

Why science and innovation are crucial for a blue recovery

As part of the Blue Recovery Series, the World Ocean Initiative hosted a webinar on the roles of science, innovation and investment in establishing a sustainable ocean economy in the post-coronavirus period.

The future of coral reefs

On 19 August I spoke about the economics of coral reef ecosystems at an Ocean Exchange webinar. It was great to learn from Sam Teicher of Coral Vita about his company's coral reef restoration projects.

Innovation is at the heart of building a sustainable ocean economy

In a guest article for Innovation News Network I examine how Innovation is crucial to both harness the opportunities a sustainable ocean economy can offer and address the risks that ocean degradation poses. Innovative solutions include ocean energy, the decarbonisation of shipping, aquaculture, ecosystem restoration and ‘blue carbon’, ocean geoengineering, and blue finance.