Speaking about “The Changemaker Mindset” at GSPN in Manchester

I’m looking forward to attending and speaking at Global Sustainability Partnership Network (GSPN) in Manchester this week. I’ll attend both days (29 February and 1 March) and deliver a speech on “The Changemaker Mindset”.


We are in a new operating context. The pundits are calling this a ‘sustained crisis’ or poly-crisis. And there are signals that we are reacting as we did to crises of the past: addressing short-term challenges, often at the expense of the attention and resources needed to achieve a just and regenerative future for people and the planet in the long term. How can we truly transform? In this talk, I will explore the biggest opportunity to make an impact: develop a changemaker mindset and reimagine the world ahead.

More about GSPN here.

More about Forum for the Future’s work on the purpose of business here.

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