Plastic Free July: solutions to plastic pollution

Plastic Free July is an opportunity to reflect on the pervasiveness of plastic in our daily lives and highlight opportunities to build a circular economy. Plastic production increased more than 200-fold between 1950 and 2019, growing from 2 million tonnes to 460 million tonnes per year, yet only 14โ€“18% of plastic is recycled globally.

This month, Economist Impact’s World Ocean Initiative is looking at plastic from multiple angles. How are popular coastal tourist destinations dealing with plastic waste? What are high-level policymakers doing to tackle the plastic-chemical pollution nexus? What did experts say about plastic at theย 9th annual World Ocean Summit?

I also answer questions about recent technological and legal advancements in managing plastic waste. Finally, take a visual journey through the data behind ocean plastic. The solutions already exist to create a plastic pollution-free world. The time to implement them is now.ย 

Recent coverage on the World Ocean Initiative:

Are plastic-free beach holidays possible?
How popular coastal destinations are curbing plastic waste
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Protecting the ocean from plastic and chemical waste
Global policymakers take meaningful steps to address the intersecting issues of ocean plastic and chemical pollution
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The data story of ocean plastic
Plastic Free July highlights how plastic pervades our daily lives
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Plastic use is rising, but so is the drive to divert it from the ocean
Experts at the 9th annual World Ocean Summit on tackling the ocean plastic problem
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Plastic Free July: taking stock of recent legal and technological progress

Plastic penetrates almost every part of our lives, but meaningful steps are being taken to tackle the plastic pollution problem
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Ocean Changemakers Challenge: The next wave of innovators
Are you working on game-changing solutions for a sustainable blue economy? Apply to be an Ocean Changemaker and showcase your ideas on a global stage – supported by Destination Canada
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From the Initiative’s partners:

Why marine chemical pollution should be on the UN agenda
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Back to Blue’s reflections on the UN Ocean Conference
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Upcoming events:

World Ocean Tech and Innovation Summit: Powering the next phase in blue growth
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2nd annual World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific
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2nd annual Future of Energy Week
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