Cancer preparedness in Latin America: The need to build on recent progress

As a continuation of the global cancer preparedness project, for which I edited the main report, I edited a regional report focusing on Latin America. The report looks at the diversity of the cancer challenge in Latin America, the current extent of efforts to address the disease, and the essential elements to building enhanced preparedness. 

Highlights from the research:

  • The challenge of cancer is growing and reflects inequalities in the region.
  • Data are incomplete, but the results in cancer management are still limited.
  • Escalating the war on cancer will require significant resources, strong governance and administrative efficiency.
  • Cancer plans are being adopted and are evolving, with signs of better implementation.
  • Strong registries underpin adequate planning and policies, but there is much progress to be made.
  • A commitment to prevention is needed, with the resources to back it up.
  • Although disparity exists, there are generally gaps in service availability in the public sector.
  • Driven by UHC commitments, there are signs that investment in healthcare is growing.
  • Principles of patient-centred care and quality should feature higher on the agenda.
  • Greater cross-sectoral co-ordination, cooperation and integration will be needed to drive change.

Read the full report here.

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